2016 – Railroad Pass Travel Center – Henderson/Boulder City, Nevada
Ms Brown prepared the technical drainage study for the 40-acre site, which included drainage and storm drain design for the proposed improvements of a fuel station and minimart. The site was located on a rocky slope with an existing large culvert located under the adjacent railroad berm, which discharged runoff flow directly onto the parking area of the site. The drainage design included complex drainage collection and conveyance design, so as not to impact the downstream area, which, at the time of the project construction, is being improved with interchange/highway improvements by the state of Nevada. The drainage design also included BMP landscape swales as much as possible, to infiltrate and settle contaminants before release from the subject site.
2014 – Love’s RV Storage Site – North Las Vegas, Nevada
Ms Brown prepared the technical drainage study for the 10-acre site, which was planned for development of paved/covered storage areas for RV vehicles. The site is located in an active alluvial floodplain, which required major flood control facilies to allow the civil design. The flood control facilities included onsite detention, and permeable landscape swales, to infiltrate and stop sediment from being discharged as much as possible from the site.
2014 – APEX Commercial Center North (ACCN)- North Las Vegas, Nevada
Ms Brown prepared the Master Drainage Study for the 132 acre site, which is planned for development of separate 6 acre commercial parcels. The site was impacted by large flows along the southern boundary, which is located across an active alluvial floodplain. The Master Drainage Study included drainage design for each lot, and for a proposed onsite roadway. The Study also included a flood control collection channel, with assoicated RCB crossings, etc. to convey a 100-year peak flow rate of over 850 cfs through the subject site.
2012 – Technical Drainage Study for Nextera Energy – Mountain View Solar Energy Project
North Las Vegas, Nevada. Ms. Brown was responsible for the preparation of the technical drainage study for this 1000+ acre solar field site, which implemented large quantities of photovoltaic (PV) panels for the generation of electricity. The drainage design for the site included large rip-rap-lined channels that are included in the Clark County Regional Flood Control District (CCRFCD) Master Plan, conveying over 1200 cfs in the 100-year storm event. The channels are designed in accordance with the Master Drainage Study for Mountain View Industrial Park, also prepared by Ms. Brown in 2008.
2012 – Technical Drainage Study for Mountain View Industrial Park – Phased Grading of the West Detention Basin with Shadow Study
North Las Vegas, Nevada. Ms. Brown was responsible for preparation of the drainage study and two-dimensional analysis (Flo2D program) to determine what areas of the Mountain View Industrial Park will be protected by the future West Detention Basin. The study included preliminary grading plans for gradual excavation of the West Detention Basin, which is a planned Clark County Regional Flood Control District (CCRFCD) Regional facility. The shadow study will be utilized to determine which areas within the industrial park will be responsible for excavation as the area develops, and the areas within the shadow will be pro-rated quantity of excavation of the West Detention Basin.
2011 – Technical Drainage Study for First Solar 1000 Acres
Boulder City, Nevada. Ms. Brown was responsible for the preparation of the technical drainage study for this 1000+ acre solar field site, which implemented large quantities of photovoltaic (PV) panels for the generation of electricity. The drainage design for the site included large earthen channels that operate to convey over 500 cubic feet per second (cfs) of runoff flow approaching the site, redirecting it around the site for discharge into historical flow paths downstream of the solar fields
2011 – Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for Copper Mountain Solar Energy Plant
Boulder City, Nevada. Ms. Brown was responsible for the preparation of the LOMR for the Solar Energy Plant, which included re-mapping 40+ acres of solar field area that had once been located within a Special Flood Hazard Zone A.
2010 – Technical Drainage Study for PABCO Solar Energy Facility
Clark County, Nevada. Ms. Brown was responsible for the preparation of the technical drainage study for this 300-acre solar field site, which implemented large quantities of photovoltaic (PV) panels for the generation of electricity. The drainage design for the site included large earthen berms that operate to convey over 1000 cubic feet per second (cfs) of runoff flow approaching the site, redirecting it around the site for discharge into historical flow paths downstream of the solar fields.
2010 – Technical Drainage Study for Renewable Ventures (Fotowatio Power) Solar Energy Project at Mountain View Industrial Park
North Las Vegas, Nevada. Ms. Brown was responsible for the preparation of the technical drainage study for this 150-acre solar field site incorporating large quantities of photovoltaic (PV) panels. The drainage design for the site included a large rip-rap lined channel that is included in the Clark County Regional Flood Control District (CCRFCD) Master Plan, conveying over 1200 cfs in the 100-year storm event. The outlet of the channel was designed and implemented with gabion-lined drop structures and a reinforced concrete box culvert (RCB).
2009 – Technical Drainage Study for UNEV Plant at Mountain View Industrial Park
North Las Vegas, Nevada. Ms. Brown was responsible for the preparation of the technical drainage study for this industrial development which consists of tanks and facilities utilized for fuel distribution, on a 53-acre site.